Parents often brag that their newly-enrolled college students have bright futures ahead of them. After all, completing a post-secondary education may set someone up for a better career with more competitive wages. Parents may even happily help cover the costs of a college degree. The idea is that the investment in tuition pays off in the form of enhanced professional opportunities and college networking.
Sadly, for a small percentage of college students, their educational ambitions end up forever changed when they get arrested for a criminal offense before completing their degrees. A college student charged with a crime will likely faces adult criminal prosecution, not juvenile charges.
Frustrated parents may at first consider a tough love approach where they let their children experience the consequences of their actions. However, the best outcome for a college student facing charges often requires support from their parents.
Charges affect educational prospects
Many of the most prestigious educational institutions have strict standards for enrollment. They may retract offers made to students charged before they begin their college education. They may also take disciplinary action after a conviction, possibly including the expulsion of a student convicted of a crime.
Even those who continue to attend college may not have the same experience after criminal charges. Students may lose their right to participate in athletics, Greek society, clubs and honors programs. Both federal financial aid and private financial aid could also be at risk. They also have an uphill battle for the best jobs ahead of them when there is a permanent criminal record that may follow them for life.
Students can’t handle criminal matters on their own
Young adults make mistakes in part because their brains have not finished developing yet. They have neither the maturity nor the resources on their own to properly handle criminal charges. Parents can help young adults understand the seriousness of the allegations that they face and help them obtain legal representation.
Encouraging a college student to defend against pending criminal charges could diminish the long-term negative consequences that they might face. Parents who understand the long-term impact that a charge could have on their college students may make more informed choices when deciding what support to offer.